Who is Shaykh Ahmad Saad?
Shaykh Ahmad Saad will be in Singapore shortly inshaAllah and here’s a short low-down on this young & dynamic Imam.
Name: Sheikh Ahmad Muhammad Saad Ash-Shafi’ie Al-Azhari Al-Hasani
Family & Lineage: Lineage goes back to the Prophet (salla Allahu alayh wa sallam) through Sayyidna Al-Hasan ibn Ali (radia Allahu anhu) in the northern Egyptian governorate of Monofiyyah, in the Nile Delta. He is the father of 3 sons.
10 years old: Completed memorization of the Holy Qur’an
13 years old: Led his first prayer. Completed memorisation of Al-alfiyyah of Ibn Malik.
15 years old: Delivered his first khutbah. Completed memorisation of Riyad As-Saliheen of Imam An-Nawawi.
- Studied basic Arabic and Islamic sciences with focus on Arabic grammar and balaghah (rhetoric) before enrolling into Al-Azhar system of schools where he spent almost 17 years of his life graduating with a B.A. Honours in Islamic Studies in English.
- Studied traditional Islamic sciences at the hands of senior scholars and specialists in Egypt, the most notable of whom is the Grand Mufti of Egypt Sheikh Ali Gom’ah.
- committed to memory thousands of lines of poems and other poetry and prose mutun (texts) including Al-Jazariyyah, At-Tuhfah in Tajweed, Ash-Shatibiyyah in Qira’aat
- Also studied at the University of California, Santa Barbara and the University of Erfurt, Germany.
- Ijazah in the narrations of Hafs and Shubah from Asim, Warsh and Qaloon from Nafi’ and Khalaf and Khallad from Hamzah in addition to many other Tajweed texts.
- Sheikh Saad holds one of the highest chains nowadays for his peers, there is 29 people between the Prophet (PBUH) and him.
- Ijazahs in the books of hadith, the musalsalat, Shafi’ie Fiqh and all books of Tafsir, Tasawwuf, Shama’il and biographies from various Shuyukh
His teachers:
- The Grand Mufti of Egypt Imam Shaykh Ali Gom’ah
- Shaykh Ahmed Ali As-Surti of India
- Shaykh Usamah As-Sayyid Al-Azhari of Egypt
- Shaykh Muhammad Abdel-Ba’ith Al-Kittani (the muhaddith of Alexandria)
- Habib Ali Al-Jifri
- Shaykh Muhammad Sadiq Al-Alawi
- As-Sayyed Yusuf Ar-Rifa’ie
- Habib Muhammad Sa’ied Al-Beidh
- Shaykh Muhammad Qasim Al-Washali of Yemen
- Shaykh Salman An-Nadawi of India
- Shaykh Subhi As-Samurra’ie of Iraq
- Shaykh Dr. Ayman Suwaid of Damascus
- Shaykh Mu’adh Safwat
- Shaykh Ali An-Nahhas
- Shaykh Shibl Matar
- Shaykh Abdel-Basit Hashim
- Shaykh Abdel-Fattah Madkour (the last living student of Shaykh Ali Ad-Dabba’ and the colleague of Shaykh Al-Husari)
- and many others.
He teaches:
- Shafi’ie Fiqh
- Tasawwuf
- Usul Al-Fiqh
- `Aqeedah
- `Ulum Al-Quran
- Tajweed
Here’s a video testimonial from one of his students:
This is a video of Shaykh Ahmad Saad describing the importance of dealing with Allah with a clean and pure heart:
[divider]Alhamdulillah, Shaykh Ahmad Saad will be conducting a workshop and 2 lectures during his visit to Singapore from 22nd to 24th June 2012. We will also be having a video interview with the Shaykh when he’s here inshaAllah!
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