Wardina Safiyyah – Her Journey
“I was a fashion slave, well, I was a model…beauty means “thin, white, blonde”. I bought whatever that is ‘popular’, I wanted to be seen as ’cool’ and wanted to be ‘in’ with the crowd. It was almost like I didn’t have a choice BUT to just follow whatever was in the fashion magazines.”
At the age of six, she signed a personal contract with the camera. She then started out her back then ideal career as a model and planted herself in the pages of fashion magazines. Her experience brought her name internationally and fame reached its peak. Back then when we mentioned her name, we remember her in the series of Spanar Jaya. We remember her as that model with long legs and beautiful face. Film and modeling opportunities rolled in and women looked up to her as the celebrity with THE personality.
In a short series called “Ini Kisahku”, she admitted that she stood on that platform of being a famous model and told her mother, “I don’t need you,” and can live on her own earnings.
But we have forgotten that most of the time, life works in the most mysterious of ways. In 2000 in the month of Ramadhan, at the height of her popularity, she surprised many and brought out a new image of herself with the Hijab. People commented that it would be the end of her career, but things turned out the opposite. Instead, many lauded her for the change she decided to make.
I am talking about none other but Wardina Safiyyah.
As a student majoring in Psychology, Wardina now still stands in front of the lenses although it is evident that her appearances has been less frequent. Being more of a family woman, she now participates actively in various programs to work for the society in transforming negative thoughts to positive ones.
Every being has a story untold and that was the story of Wardina Safiyyah.
In this age, we ask ourselves these questions. WHEN are we going to change for the better? HOW do I do this? WHERE do I start? WHY must I change? WHAT is Islam all about? WHO are the people I should ask and observe? This is only because moral support is paramount and we constantly seek for examples around us. Inevitably, we find people who had “similar” experiences for us to relate. We hold in high regard the celebrities who had made a Hijrah to tell us and prove to us that changing for the better CAN be done.
Before, we look at Wardina as that model in fashion magazines. Today, we look at her as a responsible mother of three, and one of the few celebrities who actively engage themselves in spreading Da’wah.
On this, Wardina said, “Ironically I felt so much more freedom being ‘covered’ rather than when I ‘exposed’ myself. It was really enlightening, and I was overwhelmed by a feeling of liberation and independence that I have never felt before.”
Wardina’s Journey to Palestine
Early this year, Wardina made a journey to Palestine for a documentary and being the well-articulated person she is, she wrote in her blog,
[quote]“Once I set foot into the holy city, I became more confident. I understood better the history of the Anbiya’ – the Prophets of Allah SWT Daud, Sulaiman, Luth, Musa, Ishak, Yunus, Yaqub, and Isa. I had better understanding of the story that was mentioned.” She added, “This is not any history, this history have to do with me. History is important to me as a Muslim. It’s VERY IMPORTANT to me, it’s VERY significant to me, and it has a direct impact on me.”[/quote]Just by the way she speaks, she comes across as someone who . This made me realise that in the world of glamour, she stands out. As a person, she always makes sure that she deliver her message and get it across well. While others are busy travelling to Hollywood, she travels to places that bring to her at least a little benefit. While others are all geared up for the red carpet, she gears herself in a plain black Abaya, spreading kindness. She changed the definition of beauty from measuring a woman based on their physical quality to what is beneath the physical beauty.
It is really nice to witness the journey of others – most of the time it is very admirable. We witnessed how Wardina Safiyyah evolves from a fashion educator, fashion icon, actress, to someone who is seeking Ilm so that she can pass them on to her children, even at the age of 33. But that is the journey of Wardina Safiyyah and that is her own beautiful story.
Question is, what are we doing with ours?
Faridah Ali
Faridah is an aspiring film student who strongly believes in finding knowledge. She believes in counting her blessings in times of struggles.
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