Ramadan Charity Basket; Portrait of a Recipient – Mr Faruk & Zaiton
SimplyIslam’s Ramadan Charity Basket is happening for the 7th year running. This year, we interviewed 4 of our recipients so that our donors may know more intimately how and who they are helping.
When I first set out for the interviews, I expected heart-wrenching stories and tearful pleas for help. What I got instead was stories of resilience and a lesson in dignity and faith.
While the upcoming videos are seemingly short, it’s only because the recipients were happier to speak without a camera in front of them. Watch this short video of Mr Faruk & wife, Mdm Zaiton and read a longer version of her story below.
The minute I went in & sat with Mr Faruk & his wife Mdm Zaiton, there was an indescribable calm emanating from them that you cannot help but be infected and feel at peace and ease with them. Even though I asked them about their difficulties, of which they had several – Mr Faruk is unable to work due to his blindness, his wife also has severe asthma, and they are taking care of their 98-year-old father-in-law – they were more willing to talk about having strong faith, not missing prayers and reading istighfar regularly.
It was difficult for me to frame the video into a typical fundraising video where they weep and lament their difficulties because they were so full of gratitude. MashaAllah. I had a most blessed time sitting with them and despite their small house, their big hearts invited me again to come for Hari Raya and they did not stop making supplications for me and for all potential donors.
Please help and donate generously to these needy and most-appreciative recipients. We need to raise $35,000 by this Friday, 18th July 2014. Please donate at: http://ramadancharity.eventbrite.sg.