Event Review: Sublime Characteristics of Prophet Muhammad (S) with Shaykh Ahmad Saad
[box_dark]What: Workshop on “The Sublime Characteristics of Prophet Muhammad (S)” / Shama’il Muhammadiyah
Who: Shaykh Ahmad Saad
Where: SimplyIslam.sg
When: 23rd June 2012
By: SimplyIslam.sg[/box_dark]
“The missing ingredient: relating ourselves to the source of hidayah, relating our lives to the Prophet(S).”
The quote above aptly sums up the workshop session shared by Shaykh Ahmad Saad which of course is the fundamental reason for the need to learn about the Prophet (S). Alhamdulillah, I was blessed with the opportunity to attend this session on the Sublime Characteristics of the Prophet (S) and it was certainly very insightful.
The Shaykh started by sharing on the current dilemma of the Muslim world today which is illustrated below.
The image of Muslims today was one apparent issue especially our portrayal in the media as propagating terrorism. This further increases the urgency for us to combat these issues. One of the ways to do so is to constantly search for hidayah of which can be done so by relating our lives to the Prophet (S). This can be achieved by
1) Believing in him; appreciating what he has done for you.
2) Following him spiritually and physically.
3) Loving him. (beauty, perfection, favours, the hadith of imam al-hasan)
4) Getting a clearer and closer picture of him.
Physical Stature
The highlight of the talk was certainly the hadith on the physical stature of the messenger of Allah, a hadith by Sayyidina Ali krwj.
In the hadith, the Prophet (S) was described as to have a “face like the moon, taller than the average person without being lanky, had a prominent head with waxy hair, fair complexion, broad forehead and narrow arched eyebrows. The bridge of his nose was perfectly curved, emanating light; a cursory glance from an onlooker, without due consideration, would suppose it aquiline. He had a full beard, smooth cheeks; wide mouth with a slight gap in between his front teeth (an indication of eloquence; allowing him to pronounce letters clearly), the smoothness of his neck was marble like and gleaming like silver.
He was agreeably proportioned in his figure, well built and gathered in his movements. His stomach was flat, his chest and shoulders broad, and his limbs firm. The inner sides of his palms were wide, both his palms and feet were sturdy, and his fingers were well-formed.”
Masha’ Allah such beauty and one only can imagine in our minds how the Prophet (S) looks like.
Besides the Physical stature, there was a rather thorough sharing on the lifestyle of the Prophet (S) and his manner of interaction.
The Prophet (S) would take long confident strides which bespoke determination, but yet also humility. His pace was brisk as if he is descending a hill. When he turned he would turn his entire body to give the person all of his attention which in our fast-paced life today we sadly often neglect doing.
“Nowadays we fail to listen to people properly; have this closeness to the person when you talk.” Shaykh Ahmad Saad
Despite being the leader of the Muslim Ummah, the Prophet was often not leading in front of people while walking but rather walking behind his companions which demonstrated his care and concern for them by really looking after them. However, he was always the first to extend the greetings.
The Prophet (S) always appeared concerned. He was ever in reflection and his reflection position certainly depicted his intense focus and concentration into his thoughts. When the Prophet (S) reflected, “he would have his knees up to his chest and his arms around his knees.”
In big groups, he would be silent and would not speak unless required. He always started and finished his speech in the name of Allah. His manner of speech was always “succinct and definitive, not excessive nor taciturn and certainly neither harsh nor demeaning”. Never once did he not “acknowledge a good turn, however small it may have been, and would never belittle it.”
Interestingly, when the Prophet (S) talked, he would make a drastic change of position when he wished to change the topic, or make a significant change in emotion or tone. This ensured that he had everybody’s attention before saying anything. He also offered words of comfort a lot whenever in a group and always ensured mistakes were corrected but not publicised.
Dedicated to his Lord
The Prophet consistently showed gratefulness to Allah in whatever he did despite the fact that he knew he was guaranteed a place in Jannah. He always strived for balance in his life. Practicing the post-sunrise prayer; tahajjud and qiyam was what he did frequently. He also fasted every Monday and Thursday and not to forget consistent Quran recitation.
The most heart-warming/breaking of all was the Prophet’s weeping. The Prophet (S) constantly wept for his Ummah, for Allah to grant us his blessings and his mercy, because even though he was reserved a place in Jannah, we were not. He knew how hard it was for us to consistently remember Allah, he wept for the Muslims of which he would not meet. He wept out of his love for his Ummah.
Masya’ Allah there is still so much to learn about our beloved Prophet (S) and the sharing session personally for me was a tear-jerking experience to learn in depth about our messenger. Nevertheless, this is not a comprehensive list of everything about the Prophet but inshaAllah this article would motivate you to delve deeper into the life of the Prophet (S).
[divider]Adibah Mazeli
A sports junkie by heart, Adibah is adventurous and always has a thirst for knowledge. Challenges in life, to her, are simply blessings from Allah.
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