Blessings of the Black Seed III
Read: Blessings of the Black Seed I
& Blessings of the Black Seed II.
The blessings of the black seeds are not only limited to some aspects of the human body but applies to the entire working system. It has an unprecedented affect on the immune system of the body. Scientific researchers explain the working of black seed, in assisting the body to have a natural healing process, by the hundereds of chemical included in this small seed. This might not be a complete range of nutrition but it falls somewhere in between a herbal medicine and the nutritious food we must have for significant health.
The malnutrition many people possess gives rise to the cellular starvation of essential fluids and nutrients. With regular consumption of significantly nutritious food a person can gradually improve the cellular nutrition which in turn will improve health. Usage of black seed has been observed in instigating the normalization in the body by improving the cellular nutrition. Scientists have observed this through various experiments conducted on patients having internal dysfunctions. It is one of those remedies that is very potent, highly effective and is able to target a wide range of health related issues.
A study of the life of Prophet SAW will tell us many ways in which he used black seed as a cure a very known of which is the soaking of 20 seeds in water and using the drops for congestion relief. Black seed also have effects on the nervous system of the body. The ailments associated to brains cannot be ignored when we are talking about the effect of black seed on the whole body.
A very known significance of black seed is its effectiveness in memory. Black seed contains a high amount of Omega 3 and Omega 6 percentages, which are very essential for the working of brain. These fatty acids are crucial for the function of the brain and normal development. This also helps in vision. Boiling mint with honey and a few drops of black seed oil is an excellent potion for improving memory. This is a must for children who are school going and have trouble in absorbing the information in books.
[pullquote_left]Boiling mint with honey and a few drops of black seed oil is an excellent potion for improving memory.[/pullquote_left]Rubbing black seed oil on the back of the neck have shown to overcome dizziness in many people. This can also be helpful in anxiety disorders. Drinking a cup of tea with a few drops of black seed oil helps in releasing anxiety and even nervousness due to stimulation of the nervous system.
One very common illness that we all go through is ‘tension’ which can take the form of ‘hypertension’ in many people. Usually spiritual confrontation helps in this regard but a medicinal effect adds to the process of recovering from it. The antioxidant properties of the black seed has accounted for its usefulness in treating hypertension and also the cardio-vascular disorders in the body. Some studies have shown a decrease in the arterial pressures after two weeks of continuous usage.
[pullquote_right]Drinking a cup of tea with a few drops of black seed oil helps in releasing anxiety and even nervousness due to stimulation of the nervous system.[/pullquote_right]Allah SWT has blessed us with countless amounts of things that mostly we ignore in our lives. Where in Quran, HE asks us to spread out in the world in search of his blessings, we should take advantage of every opportunity we get. Getting to know about the benefits of so many medicinal plants is not only for the purpose of finding its significance but it affects the whole human society. He has created everything with a purpose. He explained some with detail and left some for us to find out.
Sadaf Siddique
Sadaf Siddique holds a degree in Computers and a Masters in Business Administration. She is the mother of a 2-year-old boy, a part-time writer and a full-time homemaker.