Arts Feature: Paper Medina
Muzlimbuzz gets to know about the newly-formed local graphic design group, Paper Medina!
[box_dark]Muzlimbuzz: When was Paper Medina formed and what was the objective?[/box_dark] Paper Medina started off slow and steady some time in October 2011 with poster artcards related to Islamic elements which reminds us of Allah and His Beloved; and they can be downloaded free for personal use and shared amongst the Facebook community to spread the beauty of Islam.
As the new Islamic year starts, we decided to also make our own hijrah, to move forward and so we pumped in more adrenaline to come up with something more for the ummah.
It was in Muharram 1433H when we first launched our debut in-house designed products.
Our main objective is to spread the beauty of Islam through Arts…all for the sake of Allah.
[box_dark]Muzlimbuzz: For the uninitiated, what actually does Paper Medina do?[/box_dark]Paper Medina is all about Graphic Arts, colours with splashes of Islam.
It’s about Beauty, Peace and Arts all rolled into one. There are so many arts out there, but the art we hope to portray is within our syariah boundary.
We hope to spread the beauty of Islam through arts…be it graphic arts or photography.
InsyaAllah, should everything go well, we’ll come up with more products in the future as we find that we couldn’t get much ‘artsy-fartsy’ Islamic products locally. They’re quite limited here in Singapore. We hope to serve as a platform to provide something for the ummah to reach closer to Allah and His Messenger.
[box_dark]Muzlimbuzz: Who are behind Paper Medina?[/box_dark]Paper Medina’s crew is made up of freelance photographers and designers from varying backgrounds but with great passion in arts and enthralled by the idea of portraying it with elements of Islam in it. We’re just His servants seeking His pleasure in whatever we do because truly, without Allah, we’re nothing. We believe the intention before any action will affect its success. By putting Allah first before everything else, we hope for the best. And Allah Knows Best.
[box_dark]Muzlimbuzz: What keeps Paper Medina going?[/box_dark]As per our tagline: One Love. One Ummah. <3
We do things because of…
1) Allah -The One and only Love.
2) Prophet Muhammad S.A.W
3) and his Ummah.
And we’re truly inspired by words from Habib Ali Al-Jufri:
“ART if it is guided by its Mission and Message, Allah s.w.t. will immediately show its great effect on it.”
We hope to achieve felicity and self-contentment.
We hope with this, it could take us a step nearer to Allah, for the purification of the soul, removing its blemishes and adorning it with praiseworthy traits and the practical application of this knowledge and its implementation with sincerity for the sake of Allah, Exalted Be He and be truthful to Him.
We hope with this, we can remind each other to nourish our hearts while wayfaring to The One and Only God, Allah.
All these through the form of Arts. Though it might not be the ultimate way of da’wah, but it’s the best for now..doing what we are really good at. Thanks to Allah! Alhamdulillah!
PAPER: a platform usually to write, draw, pen down your notes, assignments etc. Nowadays, with the rise of technology, people use less of it (good thing if you think about saving trees!) but yet the sentimental value is gone if say you were to give someone an e-card as compared to a normal card. It’s no longer that personalised.
We at ‘Paper Medina’ love to keep stuff in our hands. To hold it, touch it. And etch some memory along with it.
And MEDINA directly means city. But here we’re referring to the city which our dear Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) body lies till today. It’s a peaceful city. And we love our dear Prophet.
With the intention that all these are purely for the sake of Allah and also remembering Rasulullah S.A.W. alive in our hearts.
Hence ‘Paper Medina’.
We’re doing this for you, the ummah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and for Allah.
We have a 2012 diary and some bookmarks to give away, courtesy of Paper Medina. All you have to do is comment on this post with a salawat upon the Prophet (S). Be sure to leave your name & email address for us to contact you if you win!
“Allahumma solli ala Muhammad!
Ameera /[email protected].”
In the meantime, do visit their Facebook page to look at the stuff that they have designed so far.
UPDATE: The giveaway is now closed!
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